Sunday 19 January 2014

Down at 'The Shore'

These are a few photos I took on Friday night at 'The Shore' in Dundee. My friend's band were doing a gig there along with a few other local groups and I'd been asked to take pictures of the evening. They didn't really come out as well as I wanted them to, but never mind. I've had to tweak most of them on the computer to try to improve the quality of the images.
Despite being unable to get any spectacularly good shots, the evening went pretty well. All four bands playing at the venue sounded great, even if there were one or two slip-ups with musical timing and whatnot. I'll be doing a write-up about the gig shortly which I'll be posting on the Guide, and also publishing in the local paper... 
One of the bands

Rocking out

My friend's band 'Hiding in Plain Sight'

This girl is called...Beth, I think.

Monday 9 September 2013

King Of The World

I thought this would make a pretty striking image with the wooden pillars rising in to the stormy sky, and then a seagull flew in and sat itself down and made the whole thing ten times better! 

Sunday 8 September 2013

Mystery Bird

This is my mystery bird photograph. It's a mystery because I haven't got a clue as to what species of bird it is! If anyone knows pass on the information please! 

More Boats!

I told you I went snap happy for all the boats! I'm not going to bore you all by constantly posting boat photographs though - these two are the last. 

If you have any suggestions to what I should photograph (and I'm always open to suggestions) feel free to get in contact! I'm going to be joining a photography club soon to improve my image quality and learn how to use my camera properly. Is it bad that I already want a new camera? I'm absolutely in love with the idea of getting a DSLR. One of my friends has one and it is an absolute beast of a camera. I just want one! 

Saturday 7 September 2013

Flaming Boat Of Glory!

One of my more in focus shots - I love the fiery colours of the boat at the top right hand corner of the image! These were just a few of the boats moored up at the harbour and I did go a bit snap happy and ended up with one too many boat related photos. More on the way! :)

Rugged Steps

The stone work caught my eye here and the worn appearance of the steps in contrast to the bright colours of the waterfront houses. I have to admit I did fiddle around a bit with this image on the computer to bump up the contrast slightly...that's all - I swear. Haha :) 

I'm happy to say that I've now been given a camera stand so my photographs will be less blurred. I'm unhappy to say that I've forgotten how to use my camera on manual (I know, I should be shot) and am going to have to teach myself how all over again.  

The pictures I'm going to be posting are all from a while back. My intentions when I took them were to post them on Lacebirds ASAP - clearly that didn't happen. So I'm posting all my older photographs before I go out and take new ones (though I can't wait to use my new stand!!!)

Pigeon Lady

This is a photograph I took of an old lady feeding pigeons at a harbour. It was an intriguing sight to say the least. I don't think the image is in focus properly but I thought I'd still post it because of the interesting composition.