This was taken with my rubbish camera. Why? I think my aunt is selling the other one. *Insert scream of frustration here*. Aw well, I guess I’ll have to invest in a camera of my own. Until then, I’m back to the Sony. I took this photo while on a walk with ma daddio and brother in Drimi woods (not sure of the spelling here) as you do. Unfortunately during the walk we were attacked by swarms of flies and I was drooled on by somebody’s labrador. And when I say drooled on, I mean there was a puddle on my coat. It was a grim moment I tell you.
I think this is called a convex mirror…it was by the roadside and I thought it would look cool. I’m surprised it turned out alright (mainly because I’ve realised it’s near impossible to take good pictures on a bad camera) but there’s still the problem of the date appearing on EVERY PHOTOGRAPH! Maybe if I moan enough, on my blog and at home, someone will eventually get so annoyed they might buy me a camera. Very wishful thinking I know.
This is my dad freeing a sheep from a fence. I don’t know why but a lot of my memories of him involve things being freed from fences. It’s like he’s the saviour of animals in distress. The man really should join the RSPCA. The sheep, being kind of dumb, decided it was going to free itself and got its wool tangled into the wire. Dad did eventually get it out though.
P.S I’m using windows live writer to publish this, so if it comes out all weird you know why!
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