Monday 25 June 2012


So, again my minions, I have a theme! Animals! Yay! Everybody (me) start cheering! Done? Great...
Today it's been weirdly warm and humid, very unlike Scotland. Normally, even in these glorious summer months, it's rainy and cold - not complaining though. These pictures are all from a few weeks ago, as were the pictures from the previous two posts, because I haven't got that lovely camera anymore! I was seriously considering stealing it, but I think my aunt might have come after me with a blunt object and beat me to death...

This first one was taken in this grassy area down by my house called the 'Gamesy' for some reason. It's the usual dog walkers haunt, as the tell tale signs of dog crap indicate. Really guys, poop and scoop! I saw these two dogs playing together, though I don't think they belonged to the same owner. I didn't want to get any closer and interrupt their game, so I sat back and tried to zoom in the best I could.

Another doggy picture! Also a nice view of the times with the solar panneled house in the background there.

The minute this crow saw me it took a disliking to me and kept flying off just as I was about to get a good photo. Damn you crow, damn you! Got one in the end though.

Look closely and on the dandelion you will see not one bug but two. I took a picture of this thinking it was just one bug but then, to my horror, realised it was two bugs, one trying to kill the other. Realising this slightly too late I tried to rescue the poor bug getting it's guts liquidized and ended up squishing them both. That is the last time I try to intervene with natures will!

Another animal I annoyed that day, not on purpose of course. At first the cat was all friendly like 'stroke me pleeease!' and the minute it realised I had a camera in my hand it gave me the worlds most disgusted look and strolled off underneath a car. Grabbing the bull by the horns, I took a photo of the angry feline. You can see its eyes just...glaring. Very scary.

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