Sunday, 27 May 2012

Kinclaven Woods

Today instead of my usual camera, I used the Canon Power Shot A640, and what a difference it made! I also used a tri-pod, something I haven't used before. Anyway, onto Kinclaven woods...

My Aunt and her partner took me out to Kinclaven woods to get some photographs of the bluebells that are out there at the minute. It looked stunning. The light was perfect, the bluebells were amazing and there was barely a breath of wind. However, we were practically eaten alive by midges. Just one of the many things we have to suffer here in Scotland, besides the weather, which has actually for once been spectacularly good! Well, I'll stop myself rambling about the practically Spanish weather here and show you some pictures.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Photos From The Rest Of The Walk

I have to tell you, trying to write this whilst listening to the Scissor Sisters is really difficult! Ok, distracting music off...

These are the photos from the rest of my walk which I thought I would put up since I got a few interesting shots. Somehow everything seems to look better in the sun. I can't describe to you how much fun I had taking these photos, though taking photos of barns and ducks may not appear fun to you. It was sunny, that's all I have to say in my defence.

The Bluebells Are Out

Today is definitely the second in the proper start to the Scottish summer. To us Scots, this weather is positively Spanish, and completely brilliant! Up until now it's been winter and all my summer clothing has been sitting forlornly in the back of my wardrobe. But today was the day I got to haul it all out and go on a nice long walk to Bluebell Woods. Yes again. It' s because I do this walk almost every day checking to see if the bluebells are out.

And finally they are! They are carpeting the woods in all their bluish purpley glory. Of course I couldn't miss a perfect photo opportunity like that, so I went a bit snap happy and only a few of the pictures turned out to be alright. Most of them were blurry as I was running around over enthusiastically taking photos and not checking the results. Word from the not so wise to all you photographers out there: before you move on to a different shot, make sure the photograph you've actually taken isn’t blurred!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Cats, An Orange, And A Skull

Today my photos are quite random. I haven't really come up with any themes for myself, so I've just been taking shots that have absolutely no connection. (If anyone has any good theme ideas, please email me!)

I started taking pictures after my maths exam as a kind of relaxation therapy (I really needed it!) in the sun. Yes, it was sunny today, again! I really hope these past two days haven't been it for the good weather because I want more!

Since I had plenty of time to kill, I decided to visit my friend and try to photograph her cat, which was harder than it would seem as most of the pictures have come out blurred. Not fair! I'm really going to need to buy a better camera...

Also, I managed to get a couple of photos of a bumblebee that was resting in the sun in my back garden. I wish I could have taken shots that were closer up but my camera doesn't have that capability, which is really annoying! Again, I need to buy a better camera haha

From the point of an orange

In amongst the holly

Blossom in the sky

In the hall

Bumblebee on the steps

Jess being lordly

Black and white Jess

Deer skull front view

Deer skull side view

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


I thought I would just add these in at the last moment. I was out in my garden yesterday when I noticed the tulips and thought that their bright colours would make a lovely photograph. It was a bit windy though, so some of the shots were blurred as the plants got blown about. Also, amongst these is a picture I took today of my friend, which I thought was quite good.

Anyhow, make what you will of them    :)

I particularly like this one!

There she is!

Down By The Riverside

Today I went for a wee stroll down by the river. It was rather nice as the sun was finally out and it was reasonably warm! A rare experience here, haha. It was even nice enough to put my friend in a good enough mood to buy me ice-cream (because I'm such a scrounge) score! So as we walked along listening to one woman scold another for letting her dog walk in the mud, I know, the button on my camera was constantly being pressed.

I took a few experimental shots of running water, but had to sharpen them later on the computer as the camera I'm using doesn't have a fast enough shutter so the pictures were blurred. And on the way back to my house, I saw the perfect composition for a shot (two common doves sitting in the branches of a tree)

But since doves apparently love to hate me, the minute I pressed the shutter button the birds flew off and all I got was some tail feathers! Just my luck...