I took this today on another of our loverly walks. It’s just a tree stump I thought was a bit odd since there seemed to be holes burrowed in it. My rubbish camera has done me proud…sort of. Now it’s just my computer letting me down since it won’t let me edit any pictures. I know, the hard life of a country gal.
Our walk was about 7km, not too bad actually. I quite enjoyed it since it was hot again today. It’s quite strange since the sun hasn’t been shining, in fact, it feels like there should be a massive thunder storm. I’ve heard that over the next two days we’re getting a months worth of rain. I can believe it after the rain we had last night! (Oh yeah, well done Andy, you’ve reached the Wimbledon final!)
I thought these sheep were absolutely hilarious! My brother, being a bit strange, started making baaing noises and completely wound them up. They were just running in the opposite direction to him, and throwing the dirtiest looks sheep can possibly throw!
We walked by a few piles of logs as we neared the saw mill, so I thought I’d take a nice wee picture of the stacked logs. I quite like the colour of the centres of the logs, it looks a little like caramel. Now I’m just making myself hungry!
P.S good luck to all those at T in the park, especially my cousin. It’s going to tip it down.